We sold out on Amazon!

Thank you! After we introduced Small Town Rules on the 30th, you ran Amazon completely out of stock on hardbacks in less than 24 hours! In fact, you ordered 50% more copies than they had. Amazon should have more hardbacks in stock at the end of the week. Barnes & Noble and Que Publishing both…

Introducing Small Town Rules

Barry and I are excited to introduce Small Town Rules to you. The book is rolling out for sale now, and we’ll be celebrating the launch all week. Barry introduces Small Town Rules, from an undisclosed location: I introduce Small Town Rules, from my office in Hopeton, Oklahoma: Watch for special offers to launch this…

Look for the new book, Small Town Rules By Barry Moltz and Becky McCray in April 2012

Look for the new book, Small Town Rules By Barry Moltz and Becky McCray in April 2012

  Business is now forced to play be a different set of rules. When every customer can now talk directly to each other, it’s like a small town.  When people listen more to what your customers say about your company than your advertising, it’s like a small town.  When it now takes multiple jobs to…