Screenshot of Becky's video and chat in the Whova app
Screenshot of Becky's video and chat in the Whova app

Running a virtual event? Tap my experience presenting dynamic and engaging remote session.

For over a decade, I’ve led live, recorded, flipped, conversational and question/answer sessions through video and audio, plus engaging online chats. Groups like the National Federation of Independent Businesses, National Cooperative Extension, Radically Rural, Mid America Economic Development Council and British Columbia Economic Development Association have turned to me for exciting presentations even when we’re not all in the same room.

Audiences rave about the practical ideas they can implement right away, the clarity of my message, and say it was like I was right there in the room with them.

Because I’ve been presenting via remote video every month for the past four years, I’m comfortable and effective on camera. My working home studio offers multiple background choices to match the tone of your event. I use a professional mic, camera and lights, with a complete set of backup equipment to guard against technical failures.

I’m familiar with a variety of live tools, including Zoom, Webex, Whova, HopIn, Adobe, Skype, GoToWebinar, Microsoft Teams and Google Meet. These services are always changing, so I’m flexible about learning your favorite conferencing system.

Live keynotes, recorded presentations, guest lectures, discussions, live audio calls or text only chats–I’ll adapt to your needs to best serve your audience, no matter the medium.

Becky McCray presenting from her home studio, with a fireplace in view
Audience members can relate to my casual work-from-home background.
Becky McCray presenting via video from her home studio
A distraction-free background might match your event better.

See what they’re saying.

Other Speaking Options

You get down-to-earth advice based on my experience as a life-long rural entrepreneur and cattle rancher, including the “get your hands dirty” aspects that others gloss over.

Visit Your Town

Turn a visit from me into change for your town

We get out and walk through your downtown to all work together on practical steps you can use right now.

Emcee & Hosting

Video Thumbnail

Host, moderator, emcee to liven up your event

I love live sessions! Keeping discussion flowing, managing lightning presentation rounds, wrangling a rowdy audience

In-person Sessions

Interactive keynote and workshop sessions

Using my real-world perspective as a small business owner, I deliver concrete take-aways to shape the future of your town