What the headlines missed in Pew’s urban vs. rural study

Pew Research released a major rural vs urban study, and most of the positive trends for rural places are being overlooked in the headlines. I’m going to give you the bullet points here, and you can read more of my thoughts at SmallBizSurvival.com.  Way more people prefer rural than prefer urban, and the gap is growing. Way more…

Why won’t people come to our entrepreneur training??

If you set up entrepreneur training, you want to reach as many potential entrepreneurs as you can. When only a handful sign up and even fewer show up and some drop out before the end, it’s discouraging.  It’s just possible that some of the problem is in how the training is delivered. For formal training events like conferences, there are certain accessibility…

You probably haven’t thought of this local business benefit

I’ve been thinking lately how many large challenges we face as a society that come down to not thinking from other people’s perspectives. Our communities could use more empathy. Doing business with each other can help us build empathy.  Selling something requires us to think about other people. We have to think about what other people…

Boost your makers with MFG Day in October

Your town has some crafters, makers, artisans or small manufacturers. The perfect time to celebrate them is during October for MFG Day, aka Manufacturing Day: Creators Wanted! Officially MFG Day is October 1 this year, but you can celebrate anytime in October. The goal is to build our workforce of future creators. Here’s how even the smallest of…