Christmas star CC by Bob Larrick

It felt bleak until someone turned on the star

Back during the spring of 2020 in Irvine, Kentucky, for awhile most everything was closed and folks were staying home as much as possible. Your community too, probably.

Remember those feelings of uncertainty and isolation, maybe loneliness? That’s what they felt in Irvine, too.

Then somebody went up the hill and turned on the star.

The star is usually a holiday decoration. It’s on the top of the hill, so its lights are visible almost all over town.

Kathy from Irvine told me that when she saw the star light up, it felt like a symbol of unity, at a time when that feeling was really needed.

And it was so simple. It didn’t solve everything, and it wasn’t permanent. But it made a difference at the time.

Now is a great time to think about small ways you could shine some unity on your community.

Keep shaping a better future for your town,


Deb and I made a video about building community during and after disasters for you. You can learn more about that at SaveYour.Town