Whose job is it?

I had one of those “I’ve had enough” moments. And that made it crystal clear what I want to talk with you about. 

The trigger was another email lamenting the sad state of rural communities. I get quite a few emails from rural advocacy and action groups. They do great work on a variety of rural subjects, but going by their emails, it seems like they focus on the problems of rural, on our shortcomings. I understand that it’s their job to see the negatives and address them. 

Whose job is it to share a positive view of rural? 

I’ve decided it’s my job. Maybe it’s your job, too. 

I know that we have a future. Despite all the urban bias* in the world, small towns have a future. Whether anyone else remembers it or not, rural people are necessary to the wider world. 

  • We’re necessary for food and agriculture.
  • We’re necessary for natural resources.
  • We’re necessary for environmental conservation and recreation. 

Sounds like we’re pretty necessary! 

So that’s what we’re going to talk about in this email, each week. A positive story from a small town, a project that is worth getting excited about, or a quote that has got me thinking. Or a video, like my talk on “Do small towns have a future?” 

The world just might as well get used to us. Because small towns are here to stay. 


* Thank you to Luther Snow for the phrase “urban bias.” Luther is like me: he believes in a positive view of rural.