Grow your own outfitters, take advantage of your natural resources

Grow your own outfitters, take advantage of your natural resources

Our latest Survey of Rural Challenges said natural resources are our best rural assets, but you don’t have enough outfitters to take advantage of them as tourism development. Here’s how you can grow your own outfitters.  Both Deb and I visited Eastern Kentucky last year. I visited Estill County, and Deb was in Jackson County….

The Idea Friendly Method works for any idea, including starting a laundromat on a budget

The Idea Friendly Method works for any idea, including starting a laundromat on a budget

Emily Karsjens Perry asked, “Has anyone seen an example of an Idea Friendly laundromat? My brain is mulling over how to start one very small, possibly in combination with other 24 hour machines.” An Idea Friendly approach to Emily’s laundry ideas would be to: Here’s what Building Connections could look like: Here are some extra…

“I’m just a random person with no local position or clout”

“I’m just a random person with no local position or clout”

As a random person with no office or title, you’re in the best position to make good things happen. You don’t have to follow complicated rules of office. You’re not limited by the scope of your title. You don’t have to worry about naysayers crowding your public meetings. You’re you, and you get to decide…