Why I love the Micropolitan Manifesto
Katie McCaskey has lived a rural pattern that you’ll recognize. She grew up in a small town, left for education and opportunity, moved back to a different small town later, and started a business.
She’s come to see small towns as a center of opportunity, as a place where entrepreneurs can step up and make a difference. She thinks dense, urban-style living can and does happen in small towns with compact downtowns, and she loves it.
Katie wrapped up her experiences and her thinking in her Micropolitan Manifesto: How to Radically Revitalize America. Take 4 minutes now to read it. (Take an extra minute to savor the photos by Pat Jarrett.)

More of Katie’s Micropolitan views
I loved the Micropolitan Manifesto. Katie’s talking about a lot of issues that you and I care about.
So, after I read the Manifesto, I chased Katie down for a phone interview. We talked about a lot of small town issues:
- moving away and moving home,
- walkability in small towns
- hobby businesses that become more
- the coolest small town grocery store anywhere (beer garden??)
- what makes a micropolitan cool?
- what are our small town strengths?
- rebounders coming back to small towns
You can download or listen to the 21 minute interview here.