The cheapest Placemaking idea

Those fancy placemaking masterplans are worthless if people won’t use the place. 

So here it is: the cheapest placemaking idea.

Go sit on a bench or at a table downtown. Text a friend and invite them to join you. Just have a good time talking for awhile. Bonus points if you take a meal and eat there. Then do it again soon. 

By being present in the public space, you’re shaping what kind of place it is now and will become. Going there will draw others and boost interest in improving it. You’ll build connections with each other, brainstorm ideas, and strengthen community. 

You’ll attract others by making it seem like the kind of place people want to be. 

Nothing draws a crowd like a crowd. 

And you’re going to need a crowd to make a better place, whether it’s done by grassroots Idea Friendly or that eye-wateringly expensive masterplan. 

Keep shaping a better future for your town,


PS –  Get 39 cheap ideas in our Cheap Placemaking Ideas video from SaveYour.Town