Local businesses won’t cooperate? Steal this simple art-based solution

If you have trouble getting local businesses to say yes to cooperative projects, try Art on the Walls.

Goffstown, New Hampshire, places local art on the walls inside local businesses, then changes it out once a quarter. 

No really, that’s it. 

We’ve seen this in lots of local coffee shops, but why stop there? Hit up all your local businesses. Reach out to your local visual artists.

Bonus round: Make a tour – like a trail – to go see the new art at local businesses. It can be a special event on one day, then available as a self-guided tour after that.

Why it works: 

  • Local art is easy for business owners and managers to say yes to 
  • Good for retail and service places
  • Gets people into businesses, spurs local purchases
  • Pairs with any existing event 

Make it last:

Once you get people to say yes to something small, they’re more likely to say yes to you about something else. A simple project like Art on the Walls can help you get more businesses to say yes to your future projects and cooperate for the whole community.

Keep shaping a better future for your town,


PS –  Discover the 5 keys to building local business cooperation in our video Get Businesses on Board