Why a UK village is buzzing about “Look for a Book”

I couldn’t wait to share this, from Alison Jones in the UK: 

“Our village is currently buzzing with a new community project called Look for a Book. It’s the simplest but also most satisfying thing: if your children have outgrown a book they loved, they pop it into a ziplock freezer bag with a little note (‘Hooray, you found me! Take me, read me, enjoy me, and then hide me again for someone else to find!’) and a link to a Facebook group where they can post a picture of themselves with their find. We had great fun selecting and hiding books this week, and then even more fun watching the posts of grinning, triumphant children brandishing them who will, hopefully, love them as much as we did.” 

Here’s a news story about Look for a Book that Alison also shared with me. 

This got Alison thinking along the lines of Idea Friendly: 

“It’s made me reflect on…how simple it is these days to start a community initiative with the aid of networking tools like Facebook and a bit of imagination and energy.” 

Exactly! No need to wait for officials or leaders or some outside expert. We can do it now! 

Keep shaping the future of your town, 

PS –  Rural landowners in the US would you take this 5 minute survey? It’s from our friend Austin Moore, doing graduate research on what kind of videos work best for you.