What to do about toxic divisions: practical steps

At the end of 2020, Deb and I talked about what is going on in the world. We wondered what we could do to make a difference in the face of so much division and hatred. Here’s what we decided. 

Throughout 2021, our commitment to you is to help you build community and unify diverse groups in your small town. 

Connection in the local community is a powerful antidote against divisions and hatred. Bringing people from your community together across divides is the best thing you can do to rebuild the fabric of your community. 

Every video we present to you throughout 2021 will support building community locally. 

We started in January with the video Building a Unified Community. We’re keeping it available for sale throughout the year as the foundation of building community. 

We’ll be covering more essential community building topics like these in our upcoming videos: 

  • Rural-urban connections
  • Diversity in rural communities 
  • Food as community building block 
  • Public places for building community
  • Commerce builds communities

We’ll also present some videos that might not sound like community building at first, but that we see as closely related. In our February video, we are focusing on retail businesses with Beating the Online Competition. We made sure to include the ways that strong local retail businesses support a strong local community. 

Two other frequently-requested topics we’re looking at for this year: 

  • Workforce
  • Housing

Again, they might not sound like community building topics, but both housing and workforce are essential building blocks for a resilient community. 

Another essential part of building community is helping people see that everyone has gifts and talents to share with the community. All people are contributing members of society. We just each contribute in different ways. 

Throughout 2021 and always, we teach you the method that unleashes the power of everyday people like you to take action. Little by little, the actions rewrite people’s programming and values in positive ways. And that is how we are going to do our small part to rebuild the fabric of our communities and countries together. 

Keep shaping the future of your town, 

PS – Read more on this, including how we came to this idea and how diversity fits into it, at SaveYour.Town