Time is a powerful lever

Time is a powerful lever. There is a magical effect of compounding your time. It’s like compound interest. It’s doing the right things consistently over time that adds up and adds on itself.

For example, if you invest 30 minutes every day in exercising, you know you’ll become healthier and stronger. If you invest 15 minutes every day in writing, you’ll become a better writer. The magic comes in the compounding. At the end of a year, maybe you’ll be running a 10k race. Or maybe you’ll be looking at the book you’ve written.

That’s the compounding power of time. You can’t write the book in 15 minutes, but you can write it in 15 minutes a day. 

  • If you invest 1 hour a week in profiling a newcomer to your community, at the end of a year, your newcomers will be planning a big new event.
  • If once a month, you invest time in bringing leaders together to share coffee and their calendars, then in a year, your leaders will be acting on shared goals. 
  • If you invest one hour a week in learning more about marketing, in a year, you’ll be counting your increased sales. 

You don’t doubt this. You understand that time is a powerful lever. The trick is that everyday life tricks you. Your job is to find the larger priorities and directions and then determine what daily, weekly or monthly investments, compounded over time, will get you there.

You can shape the future of your town,


PS – Imagine a downtown street full of many empty storefronts, in a small town that just lost a major manufacturer. Best to just keep it quiet and try to fill those storefronts one-by-one, right? NO! One small town in Iowa held a Tour of Empty Buildings, received national attention, kicked off an idea for other towns and started filling those buildings.

Tour organizer Deb Brown and I are partnering to create a kit to show you exactly what they did to create a successful tour and to market the tour and results on a national level. The Tour Kit will be available in early August.