A diverse group of people playing human foosball, read ahead for detailed description

Breaking through liability fears that hold volunteers back – Idea Friendly answers

When we were talking about finding more volunteers in a virtual session with Radically Rural, some people brought up liability as a barrier to all kinds of volunteer projects and events.  I get why this came up. Somebody in your town probably brought up liability when you shared an idea, too.  “You want to let…

Two volunteers in colorful shirts pause for a selfie

What if you flipped volunteer recruitment? An Idea Friendly story from Ontario

It’s not just you. Every small town struggles to find enough volunteers to do all the projects and events and ideas.  Cassandra Boniface with the Township of Stirling-Rawdon, Ontario, told us how they flipped the volunteer recruiting process.  “We created the Active Community Expo (A.C.E.). It’s held at our local arena, and is essentially a…