Pull down those barriers to entry

Here’s a new way to think of your role in building a better town:

Pull down the barriers to entry.

Right now, there are barriers keeping people from trying their own business in your town. Some barriers are things that take a lot to change, like zoning regulations, while others would be relatively simple to pull down, like a chance to network with other entrepreneurs.

Why focus on the barriers? Lower barriers means that more people can try more business ideas in your town. More tries mean more chances for success.

If you help more pop-ups to pop up, more full-size businesses can grow from them. (Read more about What is a pop-up business?)

More tries will also mean more failures. That’s part of business. But if the barriers are lower, they can be smaller failures that aren’t as devastating to your would-be business owners.

What are some barriers you might be able to pull down? 

  • Permitting and approvals – can you make them quicker and easier? 
  • Space – can you help people find under-used spaces to pop-up into?
  • Financing – can you promote some Locavesting? (More about local investing)
  • Networking – can you bring entrepreneurs together more often?
  • Training – can you arrange more learning options? 

That’s a simple way to look at it, but that’s it. That’s your job. Lower the barriers to entry. 

Keep making your small town better,


PS – At Small Biz Survival, I’ve offered some ways small towns can make the most of Small Business Saturday, and a few alternative holiday shopping campaigns you might choose instead.