Jeanne took the Pop-Up Fair idea and ran with it!

Last weekend I got see an idea made real. Jeanne Cole and the Waynoka Chamber of Commerce took the ideas from our Pop-Up Mini Course and brought them to life in their downtown. It was only 18 miles from my house, so of course I had to be there. And I thoroughly enjoyed seeing all the people shopping downtown, making a few purchases from local vendors myself and knowing it was making a difference to the community of Waynoka.

I’m always focused on practical steps you can put into action right away to shape the future of your town. But I’m not often there to see when you do take action. We’re pretty spread out, so I can’t run to Charleville, Queensland, or Norfolk County, Ontario, when you’re making something great happen.

And I know you do great things with these ideas. I know you’ve toured empty buildings, you’ve held coffee and calendars sessions, and you’ve bragged about your customers instead of talking about yourself in your marketing. You’re shaping the future of your community. Every time you adapt and adopt one of these ideas and then tell me about it, you inspire me to keep sharing practical steps.

Jeanne and the Waynoka crew had a great success and are already planning a Pop-Up Fall Fair for October. I’ll be interviewing her to share her lessons learned.  If you want to get that interview, sign up for the Pop-up Mini Course waiting list. You’ll get a chance to take the Pop-up Mini Course, if you’re interested, when we open up for you in October. You can sign up now for the waiting list.

If you’re waiting with bated breath for the Tour of Empty Buildings Toolkit, the wait will be a bit longer. Deb Brown’s mother passed away, and her thoughts are with family. We’ll get back on the Toolkit and get it available for you as soon as we can.

And if you’ve ever tried even one of the ideas you heard here, hit reply and tell me about it. 

Keep shaping the future of your community,

PS – Sheila Scarborough called this idea “Pure Genius,” but really it only makes sense: How small town stores can start subscription box services and reap extra sales